Media and Presentations

Being the holder of information developed over years of hard work means little without the ability to communicate it to others. It our goal to share the knowledge we have accumulated to clients and others alike.

As ISC leadership and partners, we have written a vast collection of articles, books and educational manuals and presentations. We are also frequent speakers and panel participants at professional conferences and events; promoting best practices in our individual areas of expertise.


We are available to our clients for oversight board, committee and employee educational seminars and programs; helping leadership stay abreast of both technical investment topics as well as those legal and regulatory mandates which affect their role as caring fiduciaries. We are also available to create content for publications or to speak individually or on panels.


The ISC website contains multiple examples of professional essays and material which are available to those who visit our site. We look forward to providing other examples of our various media products.


Below are some examples of the types of media we produce:

  • Written Content
    • Technical White Paper Publication
    • Finance and Market Related In-Depth Articles
    • Research Papers
    • Analytical Reviews
    • Case Studies
    • Web Site Content


  • Panel Presentations
    • Fund Products and Industry Innovation
    • Portfolio Allocations
    • Regulatory and Reporting Topics
  • Fiduciary and Investment Related Educational Presentations
    • Pension Best Practices
    • Investment Due Diligence
    • Portfolio Allocation
    • Product Analysis and Investment Universe Definition
    • Uniform Prudent Investment Management and Regulatory Requirements


  • Investment Office Planning and Governance
    • Investment Policy Statement
    • Accountability and Decision Making
    • Delineation of Responsibilities and Separation of Duties
    • Job Descriptions
    • Internal Control Diagrams and Cross Functional Planning

Detailed List of ISC Services

Connect With Us

How can we help you? We are available to help investors answer questions, solve problems, or find technical guidance on portfolio governance, management and risk. Let us demonstrate how you can leverage your resources to create value and manage risk.